15 Haziran 2013 Cumartesi Gününden Fotoğraflar

Children arrive to pay their respects at the Lidice Memorial during a remembrance ceremony honoring the 71st anniversary of the destruction of Lidice village by Germans forces, in the Czech Republic. In 1942, German troops destroyed the village in retaliation for the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, Nazi "protector" of Bohemia and Moravia, by Czech resistance fighters.

Rope access technicians work to complete a huge portrait of former South African President Nelson Mandela on the windows of the Civic Center building in Cape Town. Mandela is recovering well from a lung infection which has kept him in a serious condition in a hospital for a week.

Protesters are attacked by a police water cannon at the entrance to Gezi Park near Istanbul's Taksim Square. Turkish riot police stormed the park firing tear gas and water cannon to evict hundreds of of anti-government protesters.

Protesters wave placards and flags during an anti-G8 demonstration ahead of the summit, at Belfast City Center. Leaders of the G8 countries will meet at Lough Erne in Northern Ireland for the summit on June 17-18.